, pub-6998054861372143, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Create a custom contact form fields in drupal 7 | Free Premium Drupal Theme

Create a custom contact form fields in drupal 7

To Create a contact form in drupal 7 is very simple all we have to do is to upload a module called “Custom Contact Forms” you can find this module on

you need to upload using FTP client software are like FileZilla or any ftp client you have.. :D
in this post I want to discuss about the contact form in drupal, even if I just learn drupal
But, allow me to share my knowledge .. This tutorial is only for beginners like me, so for the webmaster please make the correction

let's get started

• First open the menu Administer> Site Building> Contact Form. course should enable the module on the site Adminiter contac form> Site Building> module and check the option contact form ..
then select the add kategory, on the Contact form isii category, whereas the content of the email recipients. example

• click save, then go on Adminiter> Site Building> Menus>
select a Primary Link.

Fill Path with Contact form, the same as when you create a category in the contact form above, then fill out the form Menu link title match what you want show, for example, fill in the Contact Us .. click the Save ... now we have another menu that has a contact us .. so and good luck ..

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