A few weeks back, we put together a way of adding events to WordPress and displaying them in an easy-to-read list. It was simple to maintain and it worked well, but it didn’t take advantage of all WordPress offers.
In this 2-part tutorial, we are going to extend our events list script to set up a new post type purely for the events, and create a new taxonomy for tagging our events. We will then be able to:
- Organize our events easily (e.g. If we’re running WordPress classes, we could label them as Beginner, Intermediate, or Advanced)
- Create templates for event lists and individual events.
- Separate events out of the main post list (So they won’t automatically appear on the homepage anymore).
- Add new events more conveniently in the admin panel (Especially when we add metaboxes in a later post!)
Let’s take a look at the end result (Using the default 2010 theme).
1 – The overall Events page.
2 – Sorting by the “Beginner” tag.
3 – Viewing an individual event.
Look good? Cool, let’s build it (By the end of today’s post, you’ll have taken care of all of the WordPress backend stuff, and set up the automatic Date message on your individual events!)
Setting Up Our Post Type and Taxonomy
We’ll be working in the functions.php file. If your theme doesn’t have one, just make a file with that name and put at the bottom.
Our first step will be to give WordPress the info it needs to make our new post types. Before the closing ?> tag in your file, paste the following:
1 | /** |
The code above starts by creating a function called pbd_events_init(), which we will hook into place later on.
We then make an array called $labels, where we enter all of the strings that WordPress will use in the admin panel. This way, instead of it saying “Add New Post”, we get “Add New Event”.
The register_post_type() function is what tells WordPress to create our new post type, and as you can see, it’s incredibly simple to use. You can read up on all of the possible arguments it takes on the codex page), but the three (plus labels) we need are:
- public – Enables the Events admin panels in the dashboard, and allows our events to be viewable on the main site (So rather important!)
- supports – Choose which parts of the regular “Add Post” page you want to enable. We choose title and editor (i.e. event name and its description) and comments, as well as custom-fields (to enter the event date). Check out the other possible options on the codex page.
- has_archive – This is a great new addition from WordPress 3.1 meaning that WordPress will create pages that list all of our events in one place. Perfect for having a standalone Events page.
That’s all it took to set up our new post type. Now we just follow a similar process to set up our new taxonomy as well:
1 | // Event tag labels. |
The $eventLabels array does for our taxonomy exactly what the $labels array did for the post type.
We then use the register_taxonomy() function to tell WordPress to set it up. The first parameter (‘event_tags’) will be the name of our taxonomy, and the second (‘events’) is the name of our post type (i.e. tell WordPress that we only want these tags to apply to events, not to regular post and pages).
And again, this function can take a lot more arguments than we have used. All we specified were the labels, but there are a lot of other options available too (e.g. if you wanted it to function like categories, rather than tags).
Lastly, we close off the pbd_events_init(); function and hook it into place (These functions won’t work if you call them any sooner. That’s why we use the add_action() line to hold back on running this all until WordPress is loaded).
And that’s the core of our work done! If you save this, you’ll now see an “Events” section in your admin panel, and if you publish events, you’ll see them displayed using your site’s archive.php and single.php templates. Of course, you still aren’t sorting events by their date yet, and you want to make use of their own templates.
Adding Dates to Events
This will work identically to before, where we use the custom fields section to add new field named “Date” with a value of the event’s date, in the form: mm/dd/yy
For example, an event on the 4th of April:
Displaying the Date on Individual Events
We want to automatically insert the date of the event on the event’s page. There are two ways that we can do this:
- 1 – Create a new template file called single-events.php . This file would then be used in place of single.php to display any of our individual events.
- 2 – Add a filter to the content of the event to automatically insert our date for us.
If you wanted your events to appear drastically different to your regular posts (e.g. new formatting, listing all events in the sidebar, adding a list of our event tags etc.), you would definitely use the first option.
In our case though, we want them to appear the same but have the date highlighted at the top. For that, we can use a filter (Meaning we don’t need to recreate a whole template, and it makes things easy to maintain in the future).
Add the following to your code:
1 | /** |
Now let’s take a look at what this does. A filter in WordPress is a way of taking some content that WordPress is going to use, adapting it, and then giving it back for WordPress to carry on.
In our case, we’re letting WordPress prepare the content of the post (i.e. ‘the_content’, line 19), but before it prints it out, our pbd_add_event_info() filter pokes its head in.
In that function, we first check if this content is for an event post (If it’s for a regular post/page, we don’t want to do anything).
Assuming it is an event, we then want to get the event’s date. With lines 8 and 9, we can get the content of the Date custom field. Instead of printing out 04/04/11 though, it would be nicer to say 4th April 2011.
Line 10, date_create(), turns 04/04/11 into a DateTime object that PHP can use, and date_format() then turns that into a readable version for us.
Line 14 is where we adapt the content we were given. We create a new paragraph (With the class “events-info” so that we can style it later), insert the date inside of it, and then append the original content from WordPress (If we didn’t add that back on, the final result wouldn’t have the event’s actual content).
Lastly, we use return $content; to send the result back.
The final thing do is add some new styles to your style.css file to make this appear differently, e.g. (To steal WordPress’ “Updated” message styles!)
1 | .events-info { |
Now go check out your events. You’ll see the date clearly highlighted in yellow right at the top of the post. And that will happen automatically on every one of your events, without any extra work from you.
In the next post, we will look at the overall Events page. We’ll adapt the query from our original post to list events in order, and we’ll use our event_tags taxonomy to let users sort events into the ones they’re most interested in.
Stay tuned!